
Mission Possible, One Million Microbiomes and Counting

viome anniverary

As Viome celebrates its 8th anniversary and the milestone of analyzing over one million microbiomes, we reflect on the incredible journey that has led us to the forefront of precision health. What began as an audacious mission to optimize health and longevity has evolved into a revolutionary approach to understanding and enhancing human wellness.

Founder and CEO Naveen Jain launched Viome in 2016 with a vision to solve one of humanity's greatest challenges. "I asked myself what I could devote the next 10 to 15 years to. What mission could I possibly take on after achieving the massive goal of going to the Moon? The answer was surprisingly straightforward. I would take on the greatest problem facing humanity: The challenge of maintaining optimal health as we age," Jain explains.

Over the past eight years, Viome has made remarkable strides in decoding the complexities of human biology and developing personalized solutions for optimal health. By analyzing over a million microbiomes and amassing over 100 quadrillion data points, Viome has gained unprecedented insights into factors that influence both health and longevity.

To mark this significant milestone, we met with our founding leaders, CEO and founder Naveen Jain, Viome's Chief Science Officer, Dr. Momo Vuyisich, and Founding CTA,  Dr. Guru Banavar to consider a handful of the top insights that drive Viome's understanding of human health.

1. Your DNA is not your destiny - Gene expression is key

One of the most profound discoveries emerging from Viome's research is that our DNA alone does not determine our health outcomes. While we inherit our genes from our parents, the expression of those genes actually impacts our health.

"Your genes (DNA) don't change, but your gene expression (RNA) is constantly changing as we age and in response to various factors in our environment," Jain emphasizes. This revelation has shifted the focus from static genetic information to the dynamic world of gene expression.

Viome's technology allows us to analyze not just human gene expression but also the gene expression of the trillions of microbes in our bodies. This comprehensive approach provides a more accurate picture of our current health status and potential areas for optimization.

2. There are no universally healthy foods

Another groundbreaking insight from Viome's research is that there is no such thing as a universally healthy food. What's beneficial for one person may be less optimal for another.

"The same food can have completely different responses, even in twins with identical DNA," explains Dr. Momo Vuyisich, Viome's Chief Science Officer. "It's what your body does with food that makes it beneficial or less optimal for you."

This understanding has led Viome to develop personalized nutrition recommendations based on an individual's unique biological responses to different foods. By analyzing how your body and microbiome react to specific nutrients, Viome can provide tailored dietary advice that optimizes your health.

3. The microbiome plays a crucial role in health and longevity

Perhaps one of the most significant revelations from Viome's research is the profound impact of the microbiome on our overall health. The trillions of microbes living in and on our bodies are not just passive inhabitants - they play active roles in our metabolism, immune function, and even our cognitive health.

Dr. Momo Vuyisich, Viome's founding Chief Science Officer and Director of Clinical Research, explains the excitement surrounding this discovery: "With almost a million microbiomes and many additional amounts of data, we have decoded how nature has achieved this long health span. You all have heard about tens of thousands of people living in the blue zones, and you all know someone who is living in their nineties without any health issues, without any medications. They just live on nutrition, basically, and they live a very long, healthy lifestyle. Wouldn't you want that, right?"

This microbial ecosystem, now recognized as an additional organ by the medical community, is a key determinant of our health and longevity. Viome's technology allows us to analyze the activity of these microbes, providing insights into how they interact with our bodies and influence our health. This understanding has opened up new avenues for interventions that can modulate the microbiome to improve health outcomes.

4. Gut health is central to overall wellness

Through its extensive research, Viome has uncovered the pivotal role that gut health plays in our overall wellness. The gut is not just responsible for digestion; it's a complex ecosystem that influences numerous aspects of our health, from our immune system to our mental well-being.

"The gut is often called our second brain, and for good reason," Jain explains. "It's home to the majority of our microbiome and plays a crucial role in producing essential nutrients, regulating our immune system, and even influencing our mood and cognitive function."

Viome's comprehensive analysis of gut health goes beyond simple bacterial identification. By examining microbial gene expression and metabolic activities, Viome can provide a detailed picture of gut function and offer personalized recommendations to optimize gut health.

5. Oral health is a window to overall health

Another important insight from Viome's research is the significant connection between oral health and overall wellness. Like the gut, the mouth harbors a diverse microbiome that can have far-reaching effects on our health.

"The oral microbiome is the gateway to our body," Dr. Vuyisich notes. "Its balance or imbalance can affect not just our oral health, but our entire system."

Recognizing this importance, Viome has developed innovative tools to analyze the oral microbiome, providing insights that can help maintain optimal oral and systemic health. This holistic approach to health assessment underscores the interconnectedness of our body's systems.

6. Cellular health is the foundation of longevity

At the most fundamental level, our health depends on the health of our cells. Viome's research has highlighted the importance of maintaining optimal cellular function for overall health and longevity.

"Every process in our body happens at the cellular level," Jain explains. "By understanding and optimizing cellular health, we can potentially influence the aging process and maintain vitality as we grow older."

Viome's technology allows for the analysis of cellular health markers, providing insights into mitochondrial function, cellular stress, and other vital factors that influence our overall health and aging process.

7. Precision health is the future of wellness

Viome's journey has underscored the importance of precision in healthcare. The one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition and wellness is outdated and often ineffective—instead, Viome advocates for a personalized approach that takes into account an individual's unique biology.

"Every person is unique and unlike any other person on the planet," says Jain. Viome's technology allows for the development of highly personalized health solutions, from dietary recommendations to targeted supplements, all based on an individual's current biological state.

Dr. Vuyisich adds, "We are providing, basically, the formula to every single customer based on all these data, and the formula will continue improving as we gather more data."

This precision approach extends to every aspect of health. Whether determining the ideal diet, the most effective exercise routine, or the most beneficial stress management techniques, Viome's insights allow for genuinely personalized wellness strategies.

8. At-home testing makes precision health accessible

One of Viome's most significant contributions to health, nutrition, and wellness is making sophisticated biological testing accessible through at-home test kits. This innovation has democratized access to advanced health insights, allowing individuals to take control of their health from the comfort of their homes.

"We believe everyone should have access to the information they need to optimize their health," Jain states. "Our at-home tests provide professional-grade insights without requiring a lab visit."

These at-home tests analyze various biological samples, including saliva and stool, to provide a comprehensive view of an individual's health status. The results are then processed using Viome's advanced AI to generate personalized recommendations.

9. Health is dynamic and requires continuous monitoring

Another incredible insight from Viome's research is that health is not a static state but a dynamic process. Our bodies are constantly changing in response to our diet, lifestyle, and environment. This understanding has led Viome to emphasize the importance of regular testing and monitoring.

"We need a way to detect changes in our health status before they manifest as noticeable symptoms," Jain stresses. By regularly analyzing an individual's microbiome and gene expression, Viome can track changes over time and provide updated recommendations to maintain optimal health.

This approach to continuous health monitoring represents a shift from reactive to proactive healthcare. Instead of waiting for symptoms to appear, Viome users can take preemptive action to maintain their health and potentially prevent future issues.

10. AI and big data are revolutionizing our understanding of health

Finally, Viome's success in decoding human health has been made possible by the convergence of advanced technologies, particularly artificial intelligence and big data analytics. The ability to process and analyze vast amounts of biological data has led to insights that were previously unattainable.

Guru Banavar, Viome's founding Chief Technology Officer, explains the power of this approach: "The AI system behind the Viome engine is driven by the data from almost 1 million microbiomes. Every new customer who comes to Viome is helped by everyone else who came to Viome before them. And that new person will help everyone that comes after that because their data will be the food that makes our AI learn from every person, from all the science that is going on in the world. That's going to make us all live a much healthier life."

This AI-driven approach allows Viome to continually refine its understanding of human health, incorporating new research and data to provide more accurate and personalized recommendations.

As we look back on eight years of groundbreaking research and over a million microbiomes analyzed, it's clear that Viome has made significant strides in its mission to revolutionize health and longevity. But this is just the beginning. 

Naveen Jain reflects on the magnitude of this achievement: "Reaching a goal of 1 million microbiomes tested, it really means now we know more about humans than anyone in humanity has ever done before. Imagine the hundreds of quadrillions of biological data points, understanding what is causing people to have various health conditions or why we age. This is now possible for the first time, and I'm just so excited to use this data to help you live healthier and longer."

With ongoing advancements in technology and a growing understanding of human biology, Viome is poised to continue pushing the boundaries of what's possible in health and longevity.

As we celebrate this milestone, we're reminded of the potential impact of our work. "Imagine what would be possible if people were empowered and had the tools to stay healthy," Jain muses. "What if the majority of the population maintained optimal health throughout their lives?"

Viome's vision of a world where people live long, vibrant lives drives It forward. With each microbiome analyzed and each insight gained, we move closer to making that vision a reality.

The future of health is personalized, precise, and proactive. It's a future where each individual can access deep insights about their biology and personalized recommendations that are truly actionable to optimize their health. It's a future where we don't just react to health issues but actively work to maintain optimal wellness throughout our lives.

As we embark on the next chapter of our journey, we remain committed to optimizing health and longevity. We invite you to join us in this exciting endeavor. Together, we can unlock the secrets of human health and pave the way for a future where everyone has the opportunity to live their healthiest, longest life possible.

Jain concludes with an invitation: "Thank you for being part of Viome's journey, and I can't wait to show you what we are working on next. So stay tuned."

Here's to 8 years of discovery, a million microbiomes, and countless lives improved. The best is yet to come.