Data Access

Viome is committed to supporting scientific research by enabling access to data we have included in our publications. We provide access to full summary statistics through a Data Transfer Agreement that protects the privacy of our participant's data.

How to Submit a Request

Non-Profit Institutions

If you are a non-profit institution, please submit your data request for review by completing the Viome Publication Dataset Access Request Form. The information you provide on this form will be used to generate a Statement of Work (no fee SOW) and a Data Transfer Agreement (DTA) that will allow Viome to transfer data to you for use in the research project you describe. The DTA protects the privacy of our participants’ data, and the SOW outlines how you plan to use the summary statistics.

The SOW and DTA will need to be signed by your institution first, and then Viome before data can be shared. If you are collaborating with investigators at multiple institutions and those institutions must also receive copies of Viome summary statistics, please have a PI from each institution fill out the form to ensure all parties receive access to datasets within a similar timeframe.

Please note, each signed SOW and DTA allows use of Viome data only by the signatory institution and its personnel. Each institution that wishes to access or use Viome data must have a signed SOW and DTA covering their access to Viome data.

Commercial Institutions

If you are a commercial institution interested in receiving Viome summary statistics, please reach out directly to to receive more information.

Additional Requirements

  • Viome data cannot be distributed, publicly displayed, shared, or sold to third parties.

  • Researchers using Viome data must agree that the results of their research will be published in open-access scientific journals (or open-access articles) and according to Viome’s publication best practices.

  • Viome’s Publication Best Practices:

    • Identify the appropriate journal for the scientific topic

    • Ensure complete and accurate reporting

    • Manage research data effectively, responsibly, and transparently

    • Give appropriate attribution

    • Observe ethical aspects of publishing de-identified information

    • Understand and comply with relevant regulations governing research

    • Practice collaborative writing

    • Identify your target audience

    • Develop a compelling storyline

    • Develop tables and figures that highlight key findings

    • Apply clear writing principles

  • Researchers shall not file for intellectual property rights covering the results of research using Viome data.

  • If researchers request 3 or more datasets, the Viome Studies team may reach out to them for additional information.


Any other restrictions/limitations (e.g. IRB approval required; available to the larger scientific community, etc.)


Viome Publication Dataset Access Requests are granted or denied on a case by case basis at the discretion of Viome Research Institute based on Viome’s scientific and IP Strategic alignment and other criteria.

Frequently Asked Questions

Request Process

How long does it take Viome to process my request?

Once Viome has received a complete and correct request form, we can generate a template agreement and SOW within 10 business days. Once Viome receives the DTA and/or SOW signed by your institution, it takes approximately 4 weeks for Viome to review and sign these documents.

How can I check the status of my request?

If more than 5 business days have passed since you completed the request form and a member of our team has not contacted you, you may follow up by emailing If 4 weeks have passed since you or your institution contracts office has shared a partially signed DTA and/or SOW with us and we have not returned the fully signed version, you may follow up by emailing

Who can I contact with more questions?

If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact with the subject line “Question about Publication Dataset Access”. A member of the research team will get back to you within 5 business days.


How can I access the required legal documents?

After reviewing your request, a member of the VLS Team will use the information provided via the Publication Dataset Access Request Form to draft an SOW and DTA. Once ready for signature, the DTA and SOW documents will be emailed to the email address provided in your request.

Which legal documents are required, and who needs to sign them?

To access summary statistics, we require the PI and an institution’s duly authorized signing official to sign a Data Transfer Agreement (DTA) and Statement of Work (SOW). After receiving your form response, Viome will send the PI these documents for partial execution. The DTA protects the privacy of our participants’ data, and the SOW outlines how you plan to use the summary statistics.

Dataset Access & Analysis

Which data can I access through this program?

We provide access to de-identified summary statistics from published Viome studies for use in your research through a data transfer agreement (DTA).

What are the criteria applicable to grant of the request?

Each request is carefully reviewed using a set of criteria applied by Viome Research Institute. A request can be granted or denied at Viome’s discretion based on the scientific depth of the proposed study, reputation of PI, alignment with Viome’s scientific and IP strategy, among other criteria.

Is there a fee for this request?

No. This request generally does not involve any fees. We will let you know ahead of time if there could be any fees.

Who can access the data that Viome will share with me?

Only individuals listed in your request form and who work at your institution may access the summary statistics.

I’m collaborating with a PI at another institution. Do they need to submit anything?

Yes! If you are collaborating with investigators at another institution who each will need to access the summary statistics as part of this research project, please inform those investigators will need to fill out the Publication Dataset Access Request Form, sign an SOW, and sign a DTA with Viome.